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Small Actions That Make Immence Changes

With just the simplest of actions, YOU could help save this magnificent species who desperately needs your help. The question you need to ask yourself now is if you are willing to help. If you want to help save the Rusty-patched Bumble Bee please visit the US Fish and Wildlife website to see how you can encourage them to speed up the process of listing the Rusty Patched as endangered. You can write to them here, or mail a letter to: 


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240


Along with acting to get the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee on the Endangered Species List, there are simpler and easier actions that you can do to not only protect the Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee, but also all the other species suffering in the the bee’s habitat.

  • Don't worry about removing colonies on your property unless it is in a high traffic area


  • Support Wildlife Preservation Canada's At-Risk Pollinator Program


  • Keep track of the bumblebees in your area through BumbleBeeWatch



  • Volunteer at any organization trying to save the bees


  • Donate to charities such as the Xerces Society helping to preserve and resurrect the bee population

  • Plant more native and flowering plants that attract the bees


  • Plant a variety of native flowering plants in your garden. Bees tend to prefer pink, purple, and yellow flowers and need food from early spring to late fall.  


  • Leave grass, hay and old logs to provide nesting habitat


  • Avoid using pesticides. Pesticides reduce available nectar and pollen sources in the garden


  • Support organic agriculture and refrain from using pesticides on your property



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